I am a Robotics graduate student at NYU. Before joining NYU, I was fortunate to work at Machine Intelligence and Robotics Center (MINRO), IIIT-Banglore, India under the guidance of Prof. Sachit Rao.
Prior to joining MINRO,IIIT-B, I pursued my Bachelor’s degree in Mechatronics from SRMIST, India. While pursuing my bachelor’s degree at SRMIST I worked in SRM Team Robocon in the Mechanical and Systems Integration Domain, where I led domain for 2 years. During my final year I did my Bachelor Project on “Decentralized Control of Robot Swarm for Cooperative Transportation” at Autonomous Systems Lab under the supervision of Prof. K Sivanathan.
My research Interests are in Computer Vision and Robotics. I have worked in the area of Robot Grasping - (restrainted analysis, grasp quality measures, optimization) and Multi-Robot System - (navigation, formation control, obstacle avoidance). I intend to focus on developing algorithms at the intersection of Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Robotics.
Research Assistant - ARPL, NYU
March 2022 — Present
Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) for Autonomous Navigation - A NeRF is a feed-forward neural network trained to reproduce input views of a single scene using a rendering loss. The network directly maps from spatial location and viewing direction to color and opacity, acting as the “volume”. By rendering the volume, we can differentiably render new views. The goal of this project is to first explore neural radiance fields (NeRFs) to build indoor real-world environments and then navigate them using a quadrotor in augmented reality fashion.
Research Engineer - MINRO,IIIT-B
August 2020 — July 2021
My work was in collaboration with TimeTooth Technologies, it involved modelling an adaptive grasping mechanism, that is computing grasp matrix, hand jacobian and contact forces for the purpose of grasp planning and analysing grasp singularities to derive an optimal grasp quality. I also developed obstacle avoidance based on collision cones and formation control algorithms for swarm robotics using quanser autonomos vehicles studio (Motion Capture System).
August 2019 — June 2020
I worked in the area of mobile robotics. I participated at WRO 2018 competition in collaboration with SRM Team Robocon. I also conducted my bachelor thesis titled- Decentalized Control of Robot Swarm for Cooperative Transportation, developing a decentralized control algorithm using local control of the robots.